What is the weather forecast?

Bandon Forecast May 21st

59 Degrees

8 mph Wind

4% chance of Rain

What is the parking situation?

There will be onsite Parking for Speakers, Elderly and Maintenance.

We have secured 5 vast parking lots, within 1 mile of the venue.

There will be a Shuttle Service picking up and dropping off every 10 minutes at each parking lot.

There will be onsite attendants at each lot to assist you.

Guest can be dropped off at the event and one driver can go park the car.

Will there be food at the event?

Yes, we have secured 3 Food Trucks. BBQ, Mexican and Natural Health Based.

We also will have onsite Burgers, Hotdogs, Chips and Drinks.

For Families that need assistance paying for food, we have a limited amount of food vouchers.

How Do we get Updates?

Sign up on the waiting list, located at the Home page, for all up to date information.

Check the Website regularly for any new information.

Maps and Parking will be updated shortly.